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Code of Ethics


The Code of Ethics establishes a set of structuring and guiding principles for the conduct of ENATUR Employees.

The established rules of conduct must, therefore, always be respected, namely in ENATUR's relationship with the Company's staff in the pursuit of its mission.

The present Code should, therefore, be understood as a daily working tool.


The Code of Ethics applies to all Employees of ENATUR - Empresa Nacional de Turismo, SA, without prejudice to other applicable legal standards.

Members of the respective Corporate Bodies, Managers and Employees are regarded as ENATUR Employees.

Guiding principles and values

The following are the guiding principles of the activity of ENATUR and its Employees:

  • The respect and protection of Human Rights
  • The eradication of all forms of exploitation and discriminatory practices
  • Responsibility in the defence and protection of the environment
  • The contribution to sustainable development.


Within the scope of respect and protection of Human Rights

  • ENATUR and its Collaborators commit to guarantee, in the pursuit of its activities, full respect for the Law.
  • ENATUR Employees have the right to be treated in accordance with universal principles, namely those provided for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • ENATUR also recognises the principles of humanitarian law, and therefore rejects the use of child labour in the pursuit of its objectives or its social activity. The Company will not acquire goods or services of any kind that are marketed by entities that use this type of labour.

Within the scope of Eradication of all forms of exploitation and discriminatory practices

  • ENATUR condemns any type of discrimination, whether it is based on race, ethics, sex, age, religion, or political affiliation, and also condemns any form of sexual or psychological harassment, coercion or threat.
  • ENATUR and its Collaborators will guide their actions by the principles of transparency, accuracy, and integrity, in order to achieve the highest professional standards.

Within the scope of Responsibility in defending and protecting the environment

  • ENATUR must maintain, in institutional relations with other entities or organisations, national or foreign, a participative and co-operative posture, supporting initiatives that fall within the scope of its activities but also those that aim to join efforts to preserve the environment.
  • ENATUR's purpose is to promote among its clients and suppliers respect for the health and hygiene norms in force in the Company.

Within the scope of the Contribution towards Sustainable Development

  • ENATUR will act with rigour and integrity in the pursuit of its mission and in interaction with the other agents of the sector and market participants, developing its activity with respect for ethical and deontological values, in accordance with the best practices and procedures, incorporating sustainability criteria in the company's actions
  • In relations of others, respecting the ecological balance, avoiding waste and pollution

Rules of conduct

The rules of conduct must be understood as regulating the general attitude of the employees, among themselves and in their relations with the outside world, to define standards of behaviour that comply with the principles and values that guide the company's activity and must be respected:

a) In Internal Relationships

  • To ensure the protection and the good general state of conservation of the Company's assets
  • Not to use the powers conferred for their own benefit and to direct them exclusively towards ENATUR's objectives
  • Exercise reserve about facts and information of which they have knowledge in the exercise of their functions
  • Use the company's resources rational and efficient.

b) In external relations

  • Respecting the rules and norms instituted concerning secrecy and confidentiality of information, namely as regards not disclosing information concerning the company's activity
  • To assume a behaviour based on loyalty to ENATUR
  • Do not accept gifts or favours from suppliers or other entities which could affect their impartiality as Company’s representatives
  • To act in accordance with the instructions of the statutory bodies of the Company
  • To show professionalism and respect in the relations established with other entities